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November 28, 2001 - Wednesday

Today's summation? Not bad.

I was lucky this morning, I got a ride to work today. Fumihiko had to do some driving in this area so he very nicely gave me a ride to work first. I was very glad as the weather was terrible and I didn't want to cycle in it!

Work was pretty good. Classes were fine. One student that hadn't been to class in a while came, that was good.

I went out for lunch today to the restaurant in Marica. It was nice. I didn't feel like a big meal so I had two side dishes and called that lunch. So, I had fried chicken with French fries and a mushroom salad. It was nice. I read part of my Starlog magazine while I ate.

After work I was picked up by a handsome man in a suit. Okay, it was only Fumihiko, but I was happy to see him! He drove me home and we ate supper then he plied me with alcohol.... a brown cow (that's kahlua and milk in Japan). It was a nice change. Now he's off doing the whole bath thing and I'm writing my entry in the cold and draughty upstairs room. Doesn't seem fair does it?

Hey, I also got my first Christmas card today. I can't believe it. It isn't even December yet. I haven't written any of mine yet, although I did buy some already.

Oh well, that's it for me for tonight. Have a good evening! I will.

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