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November 29, 2001 - Thursday

A pretty good day.

After I got up I went to work. There wasn't much to eat in the house, so I decided to buy food at the bakery. The ride to work wasn't terribly pleasant as there was heavy rain, but I persevered, and got there.

Classes were fine, they all happened today. Yay.

In my lunch hour I decided to do a few things, which made it difficult for me to eat lunch! I went to Marica to buy the one and only English magazine that they stock, then I went to Mr. Donuts to get a milkshake and a quick bite. I also bought stuff at Jusco's food floor, so I really did run around a lot. I had to eat my poor lunch in about 10 minutes though.

After work we were all finishing up paperwork and getting ready to go out for ramen when the phone rang. It was Fumihiko, but the strange thing is that no-one actually answered the phone, we just heard him speaking all of a sudden! It was weird. He offered to come and get me if I wanted, but I reminded him that I was going out tonight.

On the way to the ramen restaurant Hitomi and Aki suggested that I call him back and ask him to join us. So, I did! He said he would come soon and that I should order miso ramen for him.

The couple that run the ramen shop were surprised to see me again, and then even more surprised when I ordered two bowls of ramen! Hitomi explained that one more person was joining us so it was okay. He arrived just in time for the ramen and we had a lot of fun. Then, around 10 the manager joined us. She'd had to work in Sakata today.

After we all ate, it was time to go home. Fumihiko picked up my bike and put it in his trunk, then he drove me home.

We had our baths and then I watched Friends. And that was that!

My day. Tomorrow's update will be late as I'm not coming home tomorrow night. Don't worry about me!

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