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November 30, 2001 - Friday

A pretty good day.

I got loads of planning done at work as I didn't have a lot of classes. Classes went pretty well too.

The thirtieth is the big paperwork day too, so I had to do a lot of paperwork. I got it done fairly early, but I had to wait for the manager to finish work. She took a long time!

While I was waiting for her I read my fortune and it was kind of interesting. Quite accurate actually. I tried the usual kind of reading plus a couple of others. They didn't contradict each other at all. Hmm. Maybe there's something in it after all.

When she finally finished we talked to Shimi's husband for a while and I was getting pretty confused about whether we were going out or not. Finally I told her that if we didn't leave now I was going to leave. So, we went to the karaoke box.

It was a nice place, the first time that I've been there, but confusing! We had to answer all kinds of questions. Do we want this room or that room? Do we want drinks? If yes, what kinds? It was nutty.

However, being back behind a microphone again was great. I had a lot of fun. Yukiko sang a lot of songs too and did them all in English, even though I told her that it was okay to sing in Japanese. The only bad part of the evening was when I tried to sing just after I ate a cheese stick. The cheese stuck to the roof of my mouth and I had to act like a fur-ball coughing cat to get rid of it!

Somewhere around 2 we left and I rode my bike to my apartment. I got ready for bed and relaxed for a bit before going to sleep.

Night night!

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