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April 2, 2002 - Tuesday

A nice warm day, clear and sunny. Good tunes on the stereo too....Gino Vanelli's Greatest Hits.

Today is now over. Thank goodness. I wasn't terribly busy but I never seemed able to get anything done. It all started when I left late for work. I got there in time of course, but I didn't have time to buy breakfast.I planned to eat my cup ramen that I had, but I forgot.

When I got to work I saw a picture of the Queen Mum on the newspaper's cover, then I read the sad news. I had no idea that she had died on Saturday. It was a bit like my own grandmother dying or something. I mean, I don't remember them, but the Queen Mum was always there. She was real class, what I imagine real Royalty is.

Classes went okay. One class didn't show up and in another students that have been absent for a while came, so that was really nice.

After work I had to stay and try to work on some future scheduling problems, but actually I was in a hurry to leave and I didn't want to stay late. I ended up leaving in a bit of a huff.

And that's pretty much my day. Nothing too special. Just sad.

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