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April 1, 2002 - Monday

Cool but fine weather.

Why is it that the nicest days can go to hell in a moment?

Today started fine. I wanted to do some work for my company at the apartment so I took my computer to the apartment with Fumihiko this morning. When I got there I took out the garbage and then took a nice long nap.

When I finally got up I did some work, plus ate a little and watched some videos. I left at the proper time to catch the bus to Mikawa...or so I thought. I waited at the bus stop for 10 minutes, but it didn't come. So, I called Fumihiko and he offered to come and get me.

I went back to the apartment and when he arrived we left for the mall. We checked out the time for A Beautiful Mind and it started in 40 minutes. We had just enough time for supper. We ate and then went into the movie. It was nice that we went on the first as the price was only ¥1000 per person.

The movie was great. Russell Crowe was of course wonderful and so was Jennifer Connelly. The story was very thought provoking. I know it glossed over his mental illness a bit, but even what they showed was scary.

After the movie, Fumihiko and I were both quiet for a long time thinking about it. We also picked up a schedule for the busses to the mall, and wouldn't you know it, they changed the schedule. Today was the first day. I didn't know!

Then we wanted to go to Mr Donuts for a late snack, but it had closed early today. We went to Mosburger instead. I was thrilled to see that they had onion rings on the menu. Yum. They weren't as good as the ones at A&W, but hey, they were onion rings.

We drove to the apartment where I packed up my clean clothes and my computer. We drove home. At home, Fumihiko was carrying my clean clothes and he dropped the bag. The stupid dog grabbed one of my new socks and started chewing it. Fumihiko had to fight the dog to get it back. The dog made so much noise that they woke up Fumihiko's Mum and I was pretty upset. It was only a sock after all. I'd almost rather the stupid dog eat the damn thing than have a fight over it.

So, my day started well, but went downhill at the end. Sigh. I hope that tomorrow is better.

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