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April 16, 2002 - Tuesday

Cloudy and a bit muggy, some rain too.

I had a different morning today. I got up when Fumihiko left and stayed up. I went out for a walk too. I took my bike over to the park and went around the walking course once. I think I'll try to do it a bit slower tomorrow. I even met a lady and was speaking to her a bit in my terrible Japanese.

I rode to work in the rain. It just started when I left the house to go to work! The ride was fine.

At work I had a quiet day, all of my scheduled classes showed up, but I didn't have any private students today so no big deal. I finished around 9:30 and Fumihiko came and picked me up, bless his heart! It wasn't raining, but I wasn't feeling too well. My stomach isn't happy and I still have my cold, so I really appreciated getting a ride home.

We ate supper and soon we'll be doing the sleep thing. Night night!

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