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April 19, 2002 - Friday

Gorgeous clear day today, but a bit windy and cold.

I went to the apartment today to do laundry and watch some TV and it must be said, play The Bouncer too. It was fun.

At work I was quite busy. One of my students finished for a month or so today, so it was quite sad in a way. And, another class closed too. I'm less sad about that one as it's a children's class and I hate children.

My wisdom teeth are making their annual appearance. I took a pill at work because the pain was driving me crazy. I guess one year I'll have to have something done about them.

We watched the end of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame on TV tonight. It was okay.

I won't be updating tomorrow night as I have a party to go to after work. I hope to be back on Sunday night. Don't miss me too much!

Oh, one last thing. I read in the paper that Robert Urich died. It's very sad. He was a cool actor and I always enjoyed watching him. He fought cancer for years, but it finally won.

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