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April 25, 2002 - Thursday

Happy Birthday Janet!

Today was clear but quite a bit cooler than yesterday.

I went out this morning for my power walk, but I was pretty tired and chopped a couple of minutes off my time. I wasn't too happy, they were spraying the trees with something and it was very windy. I hope it wasn't some dangerous chemical.

I left for work a bit late, but made it on time. Work was okay today, but I was a bit out of sorts still from yesterday. I'm much better now, but I am still really, really tired.

When I came home I ate supper with Fumihiko. It was really good tonight too, sashimi, vegetables and rice and miso soup. There was also egg tofu. I didn't want anything heavy, so this was nice.

Not much else to report. Usual day I think. Sigh.

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