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April 29, 2002 - Monday

Clear and sunny, beautiful.

Another nice day.

This morning, barely, I got up and went for a powerwalk. It was a bit hard to do it as it was really hot, but I had did it anyway. Hurray for me. And, before I started walking a bug flew in my eye and I couldn't get it out. I went into a washroom and I could see it in my eye, but I couldn't get it, even with a tissue.

When I came home we ate lunch. It was really nice, tempura, miso soup and rice.

Then we decided to go out to the apartment and watch some DVDs. A co-worker of Fumihiko's had loaned him some and we wanted to watch them. We finished watching The Legend of 1900 which was okay, but not great in my opinion, and then played The Bouncer.

After a while we went out for supper to Edoichi. It's been a while since we were there and it hasn't changed much. As usual we couldn't walk when we left the restaurant.

We went back to the apartment and played The Bouncer again, one on one and I beat Fumihiko soundly! He he he. Then we started watching Blade Runner, but we had to stop it as it was getting late and somebody has to work tomorrow.(But not me, he he he!)

On our way home we were stopped by a check stop to check for alcohol, but Fumihiko forgot to bring his driver's license. Still the policeman checked the computer or something and let us through. We hadn't had a drop to drink anyway, I promise!
And that's it. A nice day. No big plans for tomorrow, but that's really okay.

Night night.

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