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August 27, 2002 - Tuesday

Hot, hot, hot!

Another gorgeous day, but just a touch too hot for me. I went to the apartment with Fumihiko this morning and I got busy. I put on a video and then I made another necklace. This one was actually easier than the other one and I made it up in a couple of hours. It is very pretty.

I walked to work and I was going to get a sandwich in Jusco before work, but the grocery store was really busy, and the checkout lines were long. I passed. I was going to run to the convenience store, but there was a line of bicycles in the way and I couldn't get out! I went to work without breakfast. It was very sad.

Work was fine. I was a little busy today. I had my usual classes and a chat time on top of that. It kept me hopping.

After work I stayed a little later to prepare for tomorrow and then came home and ate supper. I'm watching Barnaby, then I'll take my shower and go to bed. And the cycle will begin again!

Night night...

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