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December 4, 2002 - Wednesday

December 4, 2002 - Wednesday

Dull and rainy day.

What a day. I was so busy, I hardly knew what to do with myself! At the apartment I made some postcards for New Years. I wanted to try out some ideas so I made 3 different styles of cards. I think they all look good, and I'm looking forward to trying them out for real.

At work I had 7 classes today and they all showed up. My children's lesson tried to cancel because he was at the hospital getting a vaccination, but he got home and said he wanted to come to my class. That was touching, but I'd already put back my chairs and table, so I had to move them all again! Twice in one day! That's a bit much.

At lunch I went out to Jusco, but not to buy groceries. I had my complete lunch in the fridge today, so I went shopping. I bought a few more Christmas cards and a small present for my brother in law. It was nice to get out of the school. I didn't want to spend all day there.

After work I did my paperwork quickly and went home with Fumihiko, where we ate a delicious meal of nabe. It was nice.

Now, I'm watching Providence and writing this. I'm hoping to try and write a few more Christmas cards tonight. Later!

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