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December 3, 2002 - Tuesday

A long and very busy day. Weather was great though.

This morning we got up and got ready to leave the house. I was tired, but determined not to take a nap at the apartment. I didn't! Yay.

When I got there I watched last night's episode of Dark Angel and I decorated some of my stamped Christmas cards. They look good. I thought about some designs for my New Years cards too. I stamped one, but I want to change it a bit.

After breakfast and lunch preparation I went by the post office to buy some stamps. I only did a couple more cards for my friends, but it feels good to get them on the way.

Work was mostly fine today. I was really busy. It was supposed to be 7 lessons, but someone cancelled. All the others happened. I had two brand new to me students and one student who came back after a year away, so it was a little stressful trying to make everyone feel comfortable when I wasn't used to their strengths and weaknesses in class. Still, everything seemed okay.In my children's group today I did stamping and it was fun. The only problem was the boy was so busy stamping, he didn't talk!

On my lunch hour I went to Jusco to buy my salad, but I realized that the grocery department was swamped, I'd forgotten my coupon and they were out of salad. I got a little angry so I walked to the other grocery store about 3 blocks away and I bought groceries, and lunch stuff! I think it was quite productive, and I got some extra exercise! I might go there again as their salad department is much better for me than Jusco's.

After work, I stayed a little late to prepare for my first two classes tomorrow, so when Fumihiko picked me up, I was tired. Sigh. We came home and ate dinner, then came upstairs. He is off taking his bath right now, and I'll have one soon after. Well, not a bath, a shower. I'm not Japanese, so the idea of bathing right before bed doesn't work for me!

Night night!

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