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December 6, 2002 - Friday

December 6, 2002 - Friday

A bit cloudy with a bit of rain. Nice day generally.

I'm a bit under the weather tonight, so forgive me if this is short. I had a good day, I got a short nap at the apartment and I did laundry. I also watched a bit of a video from Canada.I cooked breakfast and lunch and went to work.

Work was fine today, except one of my classes cancelled today. It was the manager and she had a meeting to attend so I guess I couldn't blame her. I wasn't very busy other than that. One of my students left today for 6 months. He's a sailor and has to be on his ship for a long time.

Lunchtime was weird. I went to Jusco, but they were out of prepared salads. I couldn't find very much that I could eat so I bought some club soda and went back to work.

After work, we discussed a student of mine that has gone AWOL and what we should do about it. We didn't reach any firm conclusions. Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went to an izakaya.

We were going to go to his friend's sushi shop, but sadly it was too crowded. We ended up going to Dan, a place on the main drag of Tsuruoka. It was pretty good. We had nabe, sashimi, steak, salad, lots of stuff. It was fast and quite good.

I'm home now and we just finished getting a little something together for one of my British relatives. I think she's going to like it.

That's it for me for tonight. Night night!

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