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December 7, 2002 - Saturday

December 7, 2002 - Saturday

Clear and nice, then snowy and a bit cold.

I had a pretty good day today. I was quite under the weather last night if you recall, but I got a good night's sleep and felt quite good in the morning. We slept in very late and then Fumihiko drove me to the post office to mail my packages and my cards. Then, he took me for breakfast, but it wasn't very good. We went to a gyudon shop, but I wasn't overly impressed. Not bad, not good.

At work I was a bit busy. I had 6 classes and they all seemed to go quite well. I was able to get out fairly early which was nice too. Except, Fumihiko didn't call me when he said he would.

We drove home via the convenience store for my guy to buy some beer and then prepared and ate supper. Tonight we had steak and salad. It was nice. I also split the rest of the marscapone cheese with Fumihiko which was a terrible sacrifice on my part!

That's pretty much all that happened today, with the exception that I met Mrs. Murata in the post office. She's the mother of my first co-worker in Japan. I couldn't speak to her, but Fumihiko did. It was nice to see her again.

Anyway, I gotta go! Night night.

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