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December 8, 2002 - Sunday

Snowy and cold all day.

I had a really great day today. We slept in really late and then went out for lunch. We went to Edoichi where I ate a lot. Fumihiko did too. Then we went shopping for a few minutes to a grocery store, then we came home.

At home we did a whirlwind change and emerged a few minutes later. I wore my old purple suit and a white blouse I haven't worn in a while. I think I looked good, especially as I also wore my amethist necklace from Scotland. It looked really good.

Surprisingly for us, we got to my friend's house right on time and then had a nice long visit. We talked about many things, travel, learning English and Japanese, and even my lack of housework ability. I'm really not too sure how that one came into play, but it did!

After many cups of tea it was time to leave. But, what to do next? We decided to go to my apartment and pick up the stamps to make nengajo, or New Year Cards. After that, on the way home, we went to a hanko shop, in fact, the very same shop where I bought my hanko years ago, and picked up some other stamps and stamp pads.

Then, we decided to go and have supper. We went to La Chance, a French restaurant near our house. It was very nice. We had steak in a garlic cream sauce, with a ham salad to start. I skipped dessert, but Fumihiko had it. It looked darn good. I forgot, there was also a choice of spaghetti, rice or bread. I skipped it too, but Fumihiko had my spaghetti and his bread. After we had coffee and tea, which was also nice. It was a lovely meal, and very reasonably priced too, only ¥1500. And, I got a slight discount as I didn't have dessert.

We came home then and I spent the rest of the evening stamping. I worked on a couple of prototypes of cards and then Fumihiko's Mum made her choice, so I did them up. We ended up making about 28 cards tonight, which is pretty good. I still have to do a bit of work on them tomorrow, but they are mostly done.

Tomorrow at the apartment I will be making more of my Christmas Cards, since I heard that I have to give them to my students. You understand, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I have so much to do that I don't have a lot of time. Sigh.

Anyway, I'll be very busy tomorrow, so I guess I should just get off the computer and go to bed! I need to get some sleep. It's been a long day, in a way. Night night.

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