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December 17, 2002 - Tuesday

December 17, 2002 - Tuesday

Cold and windy, a bit of rain.

Today's colour, if it works is called flora. Comments?

This morning my lovely husband greeted me with coffee in bed at 7:30. He had to go to work early. It was nice to get coffee so early, but I had to get up anyway! I went to the apartment and watched TV, did laundry and made lunch and breakfast. I also took stuff out for dinner tonight.

I went to work via the post office. Yes, more Christmas cards to send out! Argh! Is there no end?

Work was fine today. All of my classes happened except one, and things were fine. At this time of year there's a lot of absenteeism. It's bad because I'm absent next week!

After work I went to the grocery store and picked up some food for dinner tonight. It was nice. I got the makings of a nabe, but I didn't have any Japanese stuff for the soup, so I used chicken boullion which worked very nicely. While I was cooking I received a phone call from my beloved. He was quite drunk, and very happy! I couldn't understand him at all, and made him repeat half of the things he said. Poor thing! I ate supper, watching some videos from Canada. Heaven. Every once in a while I need a me night! I don't grudge Fumihiko his office parties because I get to play being a single woman again.

Oh, hey, I didn't update you on the Traveller's Cheque fiasco did I? Well, remember we had to specially order our traveller's cheques?Well, they arrived. But when Fumihiko picked them up, he didn't get the parts of them that we needed in case we lose them. So, I sent him back to the Post Office to get the other papers. This time they gave us too much! I noticed right away that we had too much paper. I filled out the forms and separated them and Fumihiko took the extra stuff back to the Post Office on Saturday. On Monday night the man from the Post Office (maybe the first one that I didn't like??) called us to thank us for bringing back the papers. I'm glad at least one of us...ME...knew what was going on. Not for nothing was I a bank teller for 7 years!

Anyway, I think that's almost all that I want to write about tonight. I think I might go and get some sleep. Nah! I'll take a bath....long and hot, and read a book. One of my favourite things in the world! Night night.

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