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December 16, 2002 - Monday

December 16, 2002 - Monday

Warm and clear.

A busy day today. We slept in quite late, and then we went out for lunch. We went to the Daiichi Hotel for their buffet. It was nice, and I ate a lot of salad and some other things that maybe I shouldn't have! Oh well.

We came home but about an hour later we were sent out to deliver a year end gift to Fumihiko's relatives in Asahi Village. That meant we had to buy it first! We did, and had a nice trip out to Asahi Village. We didn't want to go home quite yet, so we thought about going for dinner. However, we weren't hungry yet, so we went shopping! I went to the hundred yen store and got a few things for Christmas and the school. Then Fumihiko wanted to get something for Van and Joe.

After we went to Edoichi for dinner. I enjoyed it, but actually didn't eat all that much! I just didn't feel like it. It was okay though. We left before our time was up.

When we came home, I made a lot of New Years Cards. I had to make a few for Fumihiko, and even more for me! Mine are all different types and I think they look good. It took a long time though, and it was after midnight before I finished. I wanted to have time to write my entry last night, but I just didn't have enough. Sigh. I only checked my email before bed.

Tomorrow I'm staying at the apartment so I won't be able to post this entry. That just means that I'll post it when I come back. Don't miss me too much!

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