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December 25, 2002 - Wednesday

Well, We're here in Canada and Fumihiko has been experiencing his first "real Christmas". I think he's having a great time, but my niece is driving him a little crazy. He doesn't seem to mind too much. He was so surprised to get presents from Santa and Van's family. It was cool.

Dinner today, well, he had the works! Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, ham, salad, mashed name it. I stuck to the things on my diet, with the exception of the cranberry sauce. I think it's made with an artificial sweetener, so it was okay.

We all cleaned up in the presents department, so we are all happy! Katie did especially well. Our big present to her was a yukata. It's the wrong season for it and it's miles too big, but she'll grow into it. She looks gorgeous in it.

Our trip over here was long and a little stressful, but we made it okay. I claimed all the food at customs, but none of it was taken. I hope we get to make it soon!

I'm signing off now as I want to be with my family, when I have the chance! Have a Merry Christmas, wherever you are, Night night!

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