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December 20, 2002 - Friday

December 20, 2002 - Friday

Colder, a touch of snow in the daytime, but quite clear. Nice day.

I had a mostly good day today. It started quite badly though as I got a terrible stomach pain on the way to the apartment this morning. I wasn't sure if I'd make it to the apartment or not, but I did, thank goodness. On another unconnected area, I wore my dungarees today. They were huge! Literally about 2 sizes to big for me now. I could wear them if I want to take up rap! That's how low they hung!

In the morning I poached some chicken for lunch, did laundry and coloured 2 of my Christmas Cards. They were cute I think! I didn't take a nap today, I had too much to do!

Work was fine today. I wasn't very busy and I got a lot of work done. I did up my paperwork for the 20th and for the end of the month. I hope I can get out of the office at 9:15 tomorrow night! That's my goal anyway.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to the apartment. We did things like check that the gas was off and the water was switched off. Then, he drove me home. He had done some cooking, he'd made hamburgers for us. We had to recook them a bit as they were thick and didn't cook all the way through, but when they were done, they were great. I also watched The West Wing and thoroughly enjoyed it. What a well written show. It's rare that an American show doesn't talk down to it's viewers.

Now, if you excuse me, I should go and pack! I have so much to do and I'm starting to go crazy from it all! I may not have time to update tomorrow night. I'll try and update occasionally when I'm on vacation. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

Oh, and one last thing....

Merry Christmas to all my regular readers.

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