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February 6, 2002 - Wednesday

A nice day.

This morning came too early, although I did sleep well. I was tired when Fumihiko drove me to the apartment and I slept for about an hour there. That was nice. I also watched Friday's episode of Dharma and Greg and part of Roswell. I'll watch the rest tomorrow.

When I left for work I took a new route. Fumihiko had shown it to me on Saturday night, and it was a little faster. It wasn't as interesting, as I couldn't look in shop windows, but I didn't have to cross so many roads.

Work itself was fine today. I had a few classes, but one of the ones, a double, didn't happen. Both students phoned and said they were too busy. So, I used the time to plan classes for tomorrow.

I went out for lunch today and found that the book shop had Good Housekeeping, so I bought it. Lunch was nice. I had dry curry and then blueberry tart.

Fumihiko came and picked me up around 9:40 and drove me home. I ate supper and discovered that my Cosmo had arrived. Hurray! It'll give me something to do when I'm alone tomorrow night. Yes, sadly, Fumihiko has a drinking party tomorrow so I'm going to spend the night at my apartment. Therefore, there won't be an update tomorrow. Sorry!

And that's about it for today. A nice day back to work. Catch you in a couple of days.

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