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February 5, 2002 - Tuesday

A wonderful day.

Yesterday we ate breakfast at home and then in the afternoon we drove to Ginzan Onsen. The drive was very nice as the day was beautiful and clear. I played a lot of tunes on the car stereo which made the trip fun for me...hopefully okay for Fumihiko too!

We were going to have a late lunch in the town before we hit the onsen but couldn't find an open place. So, as it was after check in time, we went to our Ryokan. We were lucky and got a ride to the Ryokan, as Fumihiko's back was still a bit bad.

At the Ryokan, we checked in, then went for a walk. I tried to find some nice souvenirs, but didn't find any. Sigh. We went back to the hotel and sat in the lobby for a while before we went back upstairs to our room. A bit later they brought in the stuff for supper and we ate. The food was really good, particularly a kind of croquette that was covered in fried almonds. Yum.

A bit after supper we went downstairs and had our baths in the family room at the onsen. That's very nice, a private room where you can bath together.

After the bath, we came back upstairs and watched tv for a bit. We also sat by the window and talked.Then, it was bed!

This morning came too, too early. The think I hate about Ryokans is that they always expect you to get up and have breakfast early. If you don't they get angry. They called us to make sure we'd be there. We were.

I was a little disappointed by breakfast too be honest. They had soft cooked eggs and those little fish that look like bait, and milk to drink. I left those! I ate the rice and the tofu and the veggies. They were nice.

Then we packed up and left. We drove off to Yamagata. Fumihiko wanted to take me to somewhere called LinaWorld, but when we finally found it, it was closed until next month! On the way there we stopped at a Japanese restaurant and had lunch. It wasn't that good, I'm sad to say.

We tried to find the new Jusco mall and ended up driving around in circles before we finally got there. It was a bit funny. We looked at the Toys "R" Us and looked at some things, but only bought a cheap game for our PlayStation and some junk food.

Then, we left and drove home. I'm a bit embarrassed to say it, but I fell asleep on the way. Oops.

In Tsuruoka, we went for coffee at the International center and then went home. I dropped my stuff off upstairs and I got some handkerchiefs from Fumihiko's Mum as a present. They were very pretty. Then we ate some strawberries.

On the way into Tsuruoka I had told Fumihiko that I really DID NOT want to eat another Japanese meal for supper, so we went out. First we stopped at the apartment and then we went to Jacasse.

Jacasse was really nice tonight. We had pasta and pizza and everything was good. It was a nice choice.

Then, we came home and I wrote this. I think we'll be going to bed soon as I'm quite tired and I think that Fumihiko is too. It's been a long couple of days. Very enjoyable and really good for us as a couple. I often get too caught up in work and computers and stuff to realize just how lucky I am to have such a nice guy for a husband. I'm afraid that I forget occasionally!

Night night.....

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