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February 8, 2002 - Friday

A busy day, sort of!

Yesterday we woke up at 8:00 am. That wouldn't ordinarily be that bad, but a coworker of Fumihiko was supposed to pick us up at 8:00 am! We rushed and got ready!

Work was busy on Thursday, and I stayed late to prepare for the next day. Then I went to the apartment. I stayed there last night as Fumihiko had a drinking party to go to. I had a nice time by myself, although I missed my guy terribly. I took a shower and watched some videos. It was nice. It was a relaxing evening. I read my book, finally finishing Cause Celeb. It was okay.

This morning I did laundry and ate breakfast. I left for work at a reasonable time, and got there in time.

I had a busy first 3 hours, back to back classes. Then I went out for lunch. After lunch, my kids class didn't show up. That was okay, then, I'll be planned for next week!

My later classes went quite well and I was able to get out of the office by 9:45. Fumihiko came and got me and we drove to a convenience store. He bought us some drinks and some throat candy for me. My throat is a bit sore so I'm a tad worried about getting sick.

We came home, ate supper and then did the dishes. Ally was on and it was quite interesting. We're both playing around on our computers now, then we'll likely bathe and go to bed.

Talk to you later? Tomorrow, I hope!

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