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February 19, 2002 - Tuesday

Cold day.

We woke up early this morning because Fumihiko had to start work early. 7:15 early. Yuck. We left on time, but we had to turn around because he didn't pack his cell phone. Silly guy. Oh well.

At the apartment, I turned on the heater and made up my little nest. I fell instantly asleep and slept for 3 hours! When I woke up I watched an episode of Stargate and started a letter to Donna. Then I left for work.

Work was okay today. One of my students had cancelled her lesson, so I wasn't too busy today. To be honest, it was kind of nice. However, I fell behind, as usual, and had to scramble to prepare my classes.

After classes tonight I did a bit of paperwork, including putting a request in for some vacation time. That will be nice. Fumihiko and I have made plans already. Hurray.

Fumihiko came and got me, but I made him wait for a bit as I was really busy at that point. We came home, and ate supper together. That's about it. A normal sort of day.

Later, eh!

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