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February 21, 2002 - Thursday

Another warm day. Hurray.

This morning I was very tired and quite angry. I didn't get enough sleep at night, and because I had to do laundry at the apartment I didn't get my usual nap. I was quite miffed. However, I did watch quite a few comedy shows and I enjoyed them a lot.

I also read a bit more of Susan's book, He Shall Thunder in the Sky, another Elizabeth Peters. It's her Amelia Peabody character. Very intriguing.

I left for work a bit early, shocking and surprising myself! When I got there I punched in and ate breakfast and read the paper. Then I prepared my classes. I got them all done for today,and checked those ones for tomorrow. I have three in a row from 12.

Work was fine today, no big news really.

After work I did my paperwork. Fumihiko came to get me but I was angry with him so I made him wait. Then I tried to run away from him, but he made me feel even more guilty than I did before. After that he had the nerve to make me laugh, so I had to forgive him.

We came home and ate supper. He offered to do the dishes while I write this entry. I guess he isn't that bad after all!

I definitely won't be writing tomorrow night, and I may not be writing for a few days. An old friend is coming to visit and I'll likely be spending a lot of time with her. Don't miss me too much!

Night night.

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