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February 20, 2002 - Wednesday

Is Spring here?

This morning when I went out to the car there was a definite tang of Spring in the air. The wind was slightly warm and the snow was melting. It seemed that finally the worst is over. Of course I know that Old Man Winter won't relinquish his hold so easily, but it was really like Spring out there this morning.

I had a semi-busy day today. One class didn't show up, but the rest did and went quite well. This time of year though, absenteeism is a big problem. In one class we did preferences and the students got to do a Pocky vs. Fran taste test. I think it was okay.

For lunch today I went out to Jusco. Yep. Jusco. 5 years of going to that store and I've never figured out that there is a restaurant on the top floor. The food was pretty good and the view was good. I sat near the window, looking down on Mr. Donuts and the rest of Tsuruoka. It was neat.

After work I had a lot of paperwork to do and I couldn't let Fumihiko come and get me when he wanted to. But, I finally finished and he picked me up around 10:00. At home we ate supper and now he's doing the whole bath thing.

Oh, the next few days my entries may be erratic or nonexistent. I'll be staying at the apartment and I will have a guest for the weekend. Don't worry about me!

That's it for now....Nighty night!

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