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February 27, 2002 - Wednesday

A warm day, with some rain.

I'm lucky to be here today. Seriously! Last night after I signed off I started to spray my computer with some canned air that I bought the other day. Then, I went to bed. Soon I realized that Fumihiko and I were coughing more than usual. I started to worry when we couldn't stop. I got him to read the label again and it said that it should be used under well ventilated conditions. I guess that doesn't mean a couple of rooms with no open window! So for the next few minutes we opened a couple of windows and breathed in as much fresh air as we could. Finally our coughing started to calm down. I won't do that again in a hurry.

This morning at the apartment I slept for less time than usual and I did laundry and took a shower. I also played a bit of my new game. It was fun.

Work was fine today, I also had to attend a telephone meeting, but I didn't get connected for about half of the meeting. Too bad. So sad.

I stayed a bit late to do the paperwork that's due tomorrow so that I could leave early tomorrow. And that's it. I came home with Fumihiko and ate supper.

Tomorrow I'll be a bit busy, but shouldn't be too bad. Later!

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