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February 28, 2002 - Thursday

Weather wise today it was a bit rainy, but not cold.

I had a pretty good day actually. On the way to the apartment we passed one of my students who works at the same place that Fumihiko does, so Fumihiko gave him a ride to work.

At the apartment today I read more of my friend Susan's book and played The Bouncer. It was pretty cool, except I can't get beyond a certain point. Sigh. I also did even more laundry.

At work I was middlin' busy, I had lots of things to do. I got all my lessons planned for today and some for a couple of days next week. Hurray.

When I came home tonight I felt, and still feel a bit sick. I couldn't eat very much supper. I'm just not hungry. I even turned down ice cream, so I must be sick!

Anyway, that's it. I'll try and talk to you tomorrow.

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