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January 21, 2002 - Monday

Rainy, but not cold.

I had a reasonably good day today. We used our new quilts last night and they kept us very warm, and weren't heavy. I hate being crushed by quilts and now I won't be!

In the morning I went to my apartment with Fumihiko. He dropped me off on his way to work. First I took a short nap, then I put together my laundry rack. Finally, I did laundry. It was so easy with my little automatic washing machine. I'd forgotten how nice it is to just put the clothes in and forget about them!

I watched some TV while I did that, including Third Watch, The District, and Star Trek:Voyager. I really enjoyed that.

I went in to the office in the afternoon. I have a busy day tomorrow and I wanted to get a bit of a start on it. I got most lessons put together, although I do want to do some copying.

I left just before 5 to catch the bus to the mall. I caught it and rode to the mall without incident. I saw Fumihiko almost as soon as I got into the mall. We went and had supper and then went upstairs and got tickets for the movie. We went to see From Hell, the new Johnny Depp movie. I rather liked it. I'm not sure if Fumihiko did.

After, we had coffee in Seattle's Best Coffee and then drove home. That's about it, except we got a form Christmas letter from my sister in law. I think we'll be bathing soon and then going to bed. That's it! Night night.

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