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January 27, 2002 - Sunday

Torrential rain, and some snow.

I woke up quite late today. I was very surprised. I had gotten up earlier to go to the toilet, but came back upstairs and went to sleep.

We had breakfast of some udon and then made our plans for the day. Yesterday I had suggested that we go to Spall near Yunohama. It's a big indoor swimming pool. Fumihiko's always said he was going to take me there, so as we had no exciting plans, that what we decided to do.

I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself. After all, my favourite thing in life is not wearing a bathing suit, but I had a great time. My new swimsuit was looked pretty good and it was really comfortable. I didn't have to worry about the straps falling off or anything. The only bad point was when Fumihiko said I looked like a whale! I was shocked, but he was referring to the colour, not my appearance! At least that's what he said to dig himself out of that hole. I told him that he was supposed to say that I looked like a mermaid, so he changed his statement and I was much, much happier!

At the pool there was a kind of river course. It was shallow, only a meter deep and the water went round the course. It was nice. There was a water slide too, which Fumihiko went down, but I didn't. On his last time down he banged his shoulder and got a nasty bruise. It looks really bad. There was also an area for people who wanted to swim laps and a hot tub area with different sections for relaxing and getting warm. It was all really modern and clean and very enjoyable.

After we swam we met in the lobby and ate some ice cream and drank something. Then we went on our way. We decided to have supper out, so we called home and told Fumihiko's Mum that we wouldn't be home. Then we went to Edo-itchi. It's a "Viking" restaurant. It features yakiniku and sushi and many other types of food. For a set fee you can go and eat as much as you like for 90 minutes.

We went and as usual I ate way too much! Still it was good. I ate some sushi this time, as well as some salad, fried stuff and of course, yakiniku. Yum, yum, yum.

After we finished we could hardly move, but went to the car and decided to go to the video store and rent some videos. Fumihiko rented some and I bought a couple of videos. I got Blink and Chances Are. Both of them are videos that I have IN CANADA. That means that even if I did bring them over here, Fumihiko couldn't understand them easily because they don't have subtitles!

Then we came home. Now it's rather funny. We are both sitting at our respective computers with our feet under the kotatsu! He's playing Minesweeper and I'm writing this. Earlier I was playing Tetrus though.

And that's about it. Later I'll probably take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow I don't really have any plans yet, although I'm mulling around the idea of going and getting my new Gaijin card and doing laundry and maybe going to Sakata, but I haven't decided on anything yet.

Night night.

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