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January 30, 2002 - Wednesday

A weird day weather wise, but good otherwise.

Last night when I posted my entry it was very cold in the room. Fumihiko had forgotten to turn on the heater so the room was a cold 3 degrees when I started. My hand didn't move very much, I guess clicking a mouse doesn't make it as a warming exercise, so by the time I was finished I could barely move my hand. It was frozen.

This morning I went to the apartment and took a nap. I didn't make my usual coffee, but I watched Frasier and part of an episode of Voyager. It looks like it could be the last one. Sigh.

At work I had a cancellation so I wasn't too busy. I did some paperwork that I'd been avoiding for a while. Yay me!

Classes all went well today. I was happy with them. I was able to leave around 9:45. I came home with Fumihiko as usual. I had a nice supper with fish and salad and miso soup.

I'll be going to bed soon, after I take a shower that is. I still find it hard to believe that we bathe at night. I prefer the morning. Oh well.

And that's it. Good day!

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