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July 4, 2002 - Thursday

No rain today, but a bit humid and quite hot.

I was rudely awakened this morning by our moronic neighbour cutting down rice at 6:00 in the morning. I was livid. I haven't had a lot of sleep lately and this idiot thinks it was okay to start making a huge racket at 6 am. I tried to get Fumihiko to call the police, but he wouldn't. He didn't seem to mind as much as I did.

At the apartment today I did a dumb thing. I tried to save my high Tetris score on the same memory card as The Bouncer was on. I managed to wipe the entire memory of The Bouncer off the card. That means I have no proof that I actually won the game 3 times in a row. Argh! I was really angry with myself.

Work today was fine, most of the classes went well. My kid's class was fun today and I think some of the others were too.

We have decided to have a welcome party for the new manager on Saturday night after work. I hope it will be fun.

Anyway, that's about all that I have to say for today. Night night!

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