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July 5, 2002 - Friday

Sunny all day, but a little muggy.

I woke up this morning early and looked out the window. There was fog everywhere. I didn't quite believe it. It looked very mysterious. But, but the time I got up a couple of hours later, it was gone.

Work was work today. Something happened with my kid's class that I am really angry about and I didn't want to have happen and it coloured my whole day in a bad way.

I finally finished my book Light a Penny Candle today and it had, as per usual with Maeve Binchy, a sad ending. I don't know what it is about her, but she doesn't let her characters have happy endings very often. Yesterday I finished Desperation too. I'm just a reading fool!

After work I came home and ate supper. Then, Fumihiko asked if I wanted to go out for a drive. So, I said yes. We went to the beach and sat there in the dark and watched some people having a crazy beach party. It was really nice and a little romantic! We stopped on the way home for an ice cream too. Yum.

And that's it. Oh, tomorrow, no update as I have an after work party to go to. Don't miss me too much!

Night night.

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