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July 8, 2002 - Monday

Rainy or muggy all day.

Today I won the jackpot. Seriously. I went to Mikawa mall today and as I had a lot of time to kill before Fumihiko finished work, I went to the game center. Last night we'd gone there and had lots of leftover "medals", so I wanted to use them up. I was playing away on the same machine as last night, gradually getting rid of my coins when I won. The machine's lights started flashing, coins were spitting out, sirens were going off, and I was giggling uncontrollably! I didn't want to win! I ended up with nearly 2 full tubs of coins for the machines. I couldn't cash them in, so after Fumihiko joined me, we proceeded to try to lose them! It took us another 2 and a half hours to get rid of all the coins. Oh my gosh! It was a weird feeling, it really was. The jackpot was 2064 coins. Of course, I didn't get all of those, because they just came down to my part of the machine, but a lot did end up in my hands!

Other than that, not much else happened. I bought a fan for my classroom as I'm always too hot, and I took Fumihiko out for gelato. We were home a little after 9:15 I think.

Anyway, I'm through. Night night!

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