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July 9, 2002 - Tuesday

Muggy with a little rain.

An okay day. I started watching one of Van's tapes this morning so it was a bit hard to leave for work. I also had a cup of lavender tea this morning before I left for work. It was really nice.

Work was okay today. I was a little busy, with six classes. Not too bad, not terrible. Some of my student's behaviour, especially in the children's lesson wasn't good.

I don't really have an interesting thing to report today. That's a bit sad. Fumihiko came and picked me up and drove me home. At home supper was waiting, but I couldn't eat all of it. It was squid, edamame, beans with ground meat (surprisingly good), miso soup and curried egg. I ate some of the squid, but not a lot because I don't like it that much, and the miso soup. I didn't touch the curried egg but did eat a few of the edamame.

Anyway, last night I got to watch an episode of ER. I was really happy as I hadn't seen it before and it was really good. Tonight I hope to watch Barnaby...I think that's what it's called. A British drama anyway.

Gotta go. Sorry so boring!

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