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July 23, 2002 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny today...amazing!

A pretty good day. I half planned to ride to work from the apartment, but I hadn't quite made up my mind. I was doing my laundry when the phone rang and it was Fumihiko. He was reminding me that he had a drinking party tonight and couldn't pick me up. Oh dear. That meant that I had to ride my bike home. Oh well.

Work was fine today. I wasn't very busy, which made a nice change from last week. Classes went well too.

I stayed a bit late tidying up and reading then biked home. It was quite nice actually. It was very hot outside though. It was great to come home and eat supper in our air conditioned living room!

And so, that was my day. I think the rainy season may be over. I certainly hope so!

Night night.

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