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July 26, 2002 - Friday

Hot again.

Disaster struck this morning. We were woken up by the phone at 6:30 am telling us that the apartment was flooding and there was water running outside. Fumihiko and I quickly got dressed and drove over to the apartment. Overnight somehow the hose to the washing machine came loose and water was cascading everywhere. Fumihiko turned off the tap and then we set about cleaning things up. Luckily the water was clean, so I didn't have to worry about a bad smell. Unfortunately some books and my brand new magazine were soaked and I put them in a bag to dispose of later. Sigh.The building manager arranged for a carpenter to come and check the underneath of my apartment to see if it was damaged. I will have to pay for everything. Sigh. I'm just glad that no one else's apartment was damaged.

I was pretty tired at work today, for good reason I think. I had a sinking feeling all day, but Fumihiko was a brick and helped me out so much. If I'd had to deal with all of this I'd have been a basket case, but as it is I'm not too too bad.

Not about me, but in Yamagata city, 8 people were taken to the hospital with heat stroke. It was 37.4 degrees there. Yikes. It's been so hot I hope it cools down soon.

And that's it for me. I need to get some sleep tonight. Night night!

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