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June 2, 2002 - Sunday

A sunny day today, yesterday, sunny, too hot and then rain.

Okay, well today we woke up in the apartment and ate a little breakfast and then went to Sakata to pick up Lynden. We met him and then drove to the Observation tower near the port. That was quite cool and we stayed there for a while. Then, we drove to Tsuruoka and went to the Chido Museum. We had wanted to see the katana exhibition, but it was already finished. Sigh. However, we did have a good time at the museum.

After the museum we went to the International Center and had tea and cake. Then we went to look at books and both Lynden and I took an armful home with us.

We didn't have any plans after that so we started to drive back to Sakata, but went to a shoe store instead! I was the only person who bought anything, and I got myself a pair of sandals for summer.

We decided to go to an Indian restaurant in Sakata for supper. It was great! It was very delicious, but as usual I ate too much! We all did!

We dropped Lynden off and then on the way back to Tsuruoka something bad happened. We saw a cat cross the road, it made it safely, and then another one followed it. We swerved, but it swerved too. We hit the cat, there wasn't anything that we could do.

We were both upset about it. We went to Mikawa Mall and checked out the movies. I didn't really want to go to a movie tonight, but Fumihiko did so, we went to see Don't Say A Word. It was, okay. Some plot points were interesting, but some points just weren't.

Then we came home. Fumihiko is taking his bath and I'm writing this. That was our day!

Mostly good, with one terrible incident.

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