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May 31, 2002 - Friday

Hot and muggy today, finally, rain at night.

I had a very quiet day. I only had a couple of classes so I had lots of time to work on props for my kids class. It wasn't exactly what I had planned to do, but it was okay.

I also did a lot of paperwork, which is a very good thing.

I went out for lunch. I didn't really need to, but it was nice to get the heck out of my school. Sometimes I don't like to be there.

My throat is still very sore and my voice is deep and sexy? Well, it's husky. I was hoping it would recover today, but it seems worse than ever. Sigh.

Oh, there likely won't be an update tomorrow night as I'm going out after work. At least that's the plan right now.

Catch you on Sunday night? Night night!

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