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June 14, 2002 - Friday

Sunny and hot, then torrential rain at night.

Well, it wasn't a good day today. When I came home at night our dog Gombei was quite sick. He's been retching and throwing up a lot. I don't know what's up, Fumihiko walked him tonight and said that nothing unusual happened.

I did finish my book today, that was nice. I really enjoyed it. Ken Follet writes about many different topics and I think I have enjoyed everyone that I have read. Yay!

Many of my students were absent today, which was a bit sad for me, considering that I had prepared for them. And, my kids class didn't go that well. I couldn't get the little boy settled down to work.

In important news today, Japan won their game against Tunisia, 2-0. Not bad eh? They go on to the next round. I didn't expect that they would make it that far, but I'm happy to be proven wrong!

After work tonight we offered Hitomi a ride home as it was raining cats and dogs and thundering and lightning. We are nice, aren't we? But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished, both Fumihiko and I got soaking wet putting her bike in the trunk.

Anyway, I hafta go. Catch ya tomorrow!

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