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June 15, 2002 - Saturday

Muggy day, a tiny bit of rain I think.

I had a good day, sort of. I'm really tired so I'll be going to bed really soon.

I only had two classes today, but they were 2 hours long each, so a bit tiring. They seemed to go quite well though. One student didn't come today and didn't call either.

I went to the apartment this morning and played The Bouncer for a while. I'm trying to beat the Third's very difficult. I've come close once, but I didn't quite do it.

Watched the end of Armageddon tonight on TV. I didn't like it much when it came out, and I still think it's very manipulative. I don't like movies that are as obvious as that.

Not much to say really, just wanted to say that Gombei is better today. Yay! I'm asleep at the keyboard!

Night! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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