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June 17, 2002 - Monday

Hot and a little muggy today.

I went to the apartment with Fumihiko this morning and I watched Roswell. It was quite cute, especially since Jonathan Frakes was in it.

I also watched a bit of TV from Canada and of course, played The Bouncer. I read a bit too. I'm reading a new mystery novel and I'm enjoying it.

I decided to go to Mikawa early today as I wanted to do some shopping and eat some lunch. I ate at McDonalds. Not the most nutritious place, but okay. Then I went shopping. I was looking for something for Katie's Birthday which is coming up in August. I found some really nice clothes in the mall for her. I hope they all fit.

I also went and made a deposit in my travel fund and wasted a bit of money in the arcade. I did spend 200 yen and win 3 bouncy balls. That was exciting!

I met up with Fumihiko and we had a milkshake and checked out the movies. Everything that we wanted to see was on at really weird times, for example, 9:40 pm. That would mean the movie would finish at midnight. Then we still would have to drive home. No thank you!

We decided to go to the okonomiyaki restaurant and either watch one of my videos or rent one. The food was delicious and we enjoyed cooking it ourselves! This time I made the okonomiyaki and it was pretty good. At my apartment we watched Blink, a movie that I have been trying to get Fumihiko to watch for ages. I think he liked it. Then we watched a bit of the soccer game and came home. That's it. That's my day. Pretty good. Night!

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