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June 19, 2002 - Wednesday

Hot day, but not too hot.

This morning I went over to my apartment with Fumihiko and played The Bouncer pretty much non-stop. I wanted to unlock an extra character that I had read about. I didn't quite get there yet, but maybe tomorrow.

I left for work on time and got there quite early. I bought my breakfast and then went to the office. I had a very busy day and part way through I found out that the manager wanted me to do a model lesson or show some prospective students one of my classes, BUT she didn't tell me about it until today. Argh. The children, that's what they were, weren't able to view my class, but they could view one of my co-workers, and I was able to spend some time with them before that. Hopefully everyone was happy.

All of my classes happened today and most people showed up too. Hurray! I'm very glad about that.

I finished my book today. I have been reading Night Sins by Tami Hoag. It was a very exciting book about a child abduction in a small town. There's a sequel book to it that I really want to read now.

After work tonight I asked Fumihiko to go to Mr. Donuts with me for a coffee. I had an iced coffee drink and he had a milkshake. They were delicious. I'm so glad that he said yes. Many times I feel like I'm only allowed to go to work, my apartment and home. I'm used to going shopping when I want to, not when it's convenient for everyone. It's a bit hard to get used to.

That's about it for tonight. I think I'll go to the apartment tomorrow and play The Bouncer again. Wish me luck!!!

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