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June 20, 2002 - Thursday

Muggy all day, then finally rain at night.

I actually had a good day today. I managed to beat The Bouncer before 9:00 this morning. I finally unlocked another character, Master Wong. It was cool. On the other hand, I seem to have hurt my thumb because of the repeated actions that I use on the game! Am I an addict? I hope not!

Work was pretty good today. In the evening I was hopping! I was busy running around, talking to students and getting ready for my lessons. Good news though, one of my students decided to keep studying with me.

After work, I did my paperwork and Fumihiko came to get me. We went home via the convenience store to buy ice cream. His idea, not mine, although I'm sure that I will eat some too!

Anyway, there isn't much to say tonight. I'll catch you later, night!

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