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June 23, 2002 - Sunday

Rainy off and on all day.

Today was a nice relaxing day, mostly at home. We slept way, way in this morning. I didn't get up until 12 or so. After our brunch I came upstairs to clean part of our rooms. Tomorrow there is someone coming to help with our Broadcast Satellite reception, and they'll have to come into our room.

A couple of hours of work and the place looks good. It's hard to believe it's the same room. People who know me know that my apartment is always really messy. Poor Fumihiko, I warned him before we got married, but I don't think he believed me.

After the room was finished, including vacuuming, we went out to a coffee shop for a bite to eat. Sadly, they didn't have much beyond a bite to eat, but what they had was good. We also had some drinks, of the cold coffee and tea kind. Yum. Nice but expensive.

We drove to the mall then and checked out the movie times. There were a few that I wanted to see, and the times were much better this week. We decided to go to Amelie, even though it was in French with Japanese subtitles, I wanted to see it.

We had another quick bite before the film and went in and watched the movie. I enjoyed it a lot and I had a pretty good idea what was happening, even though I didn't understand a lot of the dialogue. One day I'd like to see it with English subtitles so that I could actually understand everything.

After the movie I stopped in the Bookstore and bought a couple of DVDs. I got Bridget Jones's Diary and The Lost Boys. Yay. I'm looking forward to seeing both of them.

Then we came home, via the apartment to pick up my laundry.

That's it. That's my day so far. It was pretty good. Tomorrow, there's a few things I have to do. I'll try to update tomorrow night. Bye bye!

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