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June 24, 2002 - Monday

Rainy in the morning and mid afternoon, clearing later.

I have a dilemma today. Do I write about the good stuff or the bad stuff? I guess I'd rather remember the good stuff, so here goes.

After a bit today Fumihiko and I went to the beach. We took our shoes off and went walking along the seashore. It was great! The epitome of romantic! The water was warm and the beach was nearly deserted. It was great. Beautiful!

The bad though was pretty bad. Today his Mum tried to serve me whale. Luckily Fumihiko stopped her. Good grief though. Talk about being culturally unaware. I freely admit that I have eaten a lot of strange things since I came to Japan, but I have never, and will never eat whale willingly. I have major problems with the way they procure their whales. Scientific research indeed. Besides which....Whales? Gimme a break.

I'm not saying it well, but I was repulsed on so many levels that I'm still shocked about it.

Anyway, we now have BS in our house. That means that I can watch news in English and some movies and English programmes. Hurray.

And that's it for me today. Catch ya later?

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