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June 28, 2002 - Friday

Sunny and too hot all day.

Big news! I finally beat The Bouncer game. Yahoo! Yep, my character Kou finally beat the third Dauragon. I wasn't even trying seriously either, just something happened and I won! Hurray for me! Now I have to try and do it as my other two characters.

I was feeling a lot better today, thanks in part to the people at Contac. Thanks very much! I went to work today. It wasn't a heavy day at work, thank goodness. I was very sleepy at the beginning, the cold medicine puts me to sleep, so it was a struggle in the first class to stay awake. In my second class, the student rebelled and decided he DID NOT want to come to my school today. I am a bit worried about that situation. Hope it works out.

I'm in the midst of reading Stephen King's Desperation. It's very scary and violent, but I'm enjoying it. He's a good writer. Many people don't think so, but I always have. Anyone who can craft a story that keeps me turning the pages is a good writer in my books.

Fumihiko got his hair cut again today, so now I'm Mrs. Frankenstein. Sigh. I don't like it when it's too short. However, it is his hair and I don't want to interfere. As long as he is happy!

Came home tonight and watched the tail end of Cliffhanger with Stallone. I remember that it was at the theatre in Edmonton to see Cliffhanger that I first saw the preview of Strictly Ballroom, one of my favourite films of all time.

Anyway, that's all you get from me tonight. Night night. Oh, yeah, no update tomorrow night as I'll be staying at the apartment. Sorry about that!

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