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June 30, 2002 - Sunday

Hot and sunny all day today.

This morning we slept in and then decided what to do for brunch. We decided to go to the Daiichi Hotel for their lunch buffet. It was okay. We had steak and soup and salad and some other things too.

After that we went to the International Center so I could exchange some books. I actually got a few that I had read before because I wanted to reread them.

Then we headed back to the apartment and watched Bridget Jones's Diary. I really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure that Fumihiko did!

Then we took a nap for a long time. After our nap we went out for yakiniku to a place he took me before we started dating. Then, we came home!

Yesterday I had a pretty good day at work. I wasn't too busy, but I had some great classes. I had a new student in one of them and it made the time go by much faster. We had some interesting discussions too. After work, Fumihiko and I went to have ramen before we went to the apartment. I watched Bridget Jones's Diary, but he fell asleep, so I watched it twice this weekend.

And that's it, my two days updated. Night night!

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