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March 1, 2002 - Friday

A warm day.

There's something nice about getting a parcel in the mail. I finally received the present from my friend Michelle. She'd sent it over a month ago and it arrived today. Customs had opened it and repacked it, don't know why. Maybe they thought there was something in the facial masks she sent me. I don't know.

Work was quiet today. Seriously, nothing of note happened. I was only scheduled for 4 classes and one of them didn't even happen today. Anyway, the three that I had went very well. It's fun when that happens.

I took my book to work with me and read a bit when I went out for lunch. It was really nice to have a book with me, instead of a magazine.

After Fumihiko picked me up tonight he drove me to a 24 hour bento place. Why? Because my mother in law had prepared something for supper that Fumihiko was sure I wouldn't like...and he was right! It was raw baby shrimp he said. It looked like fish bait. Instead I ate beef, which is a whole lot more my cup of tea!

When I came home I ate and read at the same time. I felt a little guilty letting Fumihiko watch TV without scintillating conversation from me, but I had to find out what happened to Ramses.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I'll likely catch you later!

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