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March 6, 2002 - Wednesday

Rainy and a bit cold.

Apologies everyone for missing a day. I found out after I posted the last entry that Fumihiko had to go to work early this morning so we decided to spend the night at the apartment. Hence, no update. Sorry.

Today was okay. I had bought some food for breakfast, so Fumihiko could have breakfast at the apartment when he got up. The nice thing was, I had breakfast too, but later. It was nice not to have to buy it in a store.

I had an okay day today. I worked on my presentation a lot because 3 classes didn't show up. That was a bit annoying, but it was nice to finally do a bit of work on it.

However, personally I felt a bit depressed. I'm not exactly sure why. I just really can't get my head in a happy place most of the time. I'm starting to wonder if I have a delayed case of culture shock. I never really had to deal with it before. Not sure though.

On the games front, today I played The Bouncer again as another character and got quite far before I had to quit. That was fun.

The classes that I did have today went well, it made me sad for the students that didn't show up.

Oh, and today was Cosmo day. Hurray! I'm going to try out some of their ideas on Fumihiko soon. Poor guy!!!

That's it! TTYL.....

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