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March 9, 2002 - Saturday

I'm back!

Sorry again about the lack of journal entries. What happened? Well, Fumihiko found out that he had to start work very early on Friday so we stayed in the apartment on Thursday and then he had a Farewell party on Friday night so I stayed there by myself. It wasn't too bad, I kind of enjoyed myself. I went out with a friend of mine, Keiko, and we had supper.

Today was a glorious day weather wise. It was sunny and quite warm.

I woke up a few times, once before 8 am as that is my wake up time lately, then finally around 9:30 when I had set my alarm. I got up and got dressed. Fumihiko showed up around 10:15 and took me out for early lunch for him.

Work was fine today. I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be. One of my double classes didn't show up, but the student did call and say he couldn't come.

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me up and we drove home. We ate a nice supper and watched Flubber. It's a Robin Williams seemed okay, but not my type of thing at all. Besides, as everyone knows, I hate Robin Williams!

And that's it. I think we'll try to have an early night tonight. Tomorrow we have a work party to go to...mine! Wish us luck!

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